The Latter Period Ryukyus / Shimazu Hegemony 2/6

Jana Ekata Teido

Jana Ekata Teido was one of the upper level ministers, or Sanshikan, who assisted the Ryukyuan king. After the Shimazu invasion, when he was taken to Satsuma with King Sho Nei, the Shimazu attempted to force Jana to write a pledge promising loyalty to the Shimazu clan . However, as he felt entrusted with the government, he refused all the serial demands rationalizing the invasion by the Shimazu and resisted Satsuma domain to the end. Jana tried a secret escape to a Chinese boat, which was visiting Nagasaki shore and hoped he would receive help from Ming China. But it ended in failure and as a result the Shimazu decapitated him in 1611. China reported Jana as a "loyal retainer who sacrificed himself in time of national crisis".

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