The Latter Period Ryukyus / The Flourishing Industry and Culture of the Latter Period Ryukyus 5/11

Culture of the Latter Ryukyu Kingdom
(Compilation of Official Histories and Establishment of the Legal System.)

The Chuzan Sekan: The First Official History
The "Chuzan Sekan" was the first official history and was edited by Haneji Choshu in 1650. This historical record was based on the Nichiryu Doso Ron ideology that states that the Japanese and Ryukyuan people were originally of the same race. The political purpose of this was to raise the awareness of Ryukyuans after the advent of Shimazu rule.

The "Chuzan Seifu"
The Chuzan Seifu was the classical Chinese translation of the Chuzan Sekan by done first Saitaku in 1701 and was revised by Saion in 1726. However, the relations between the Ryukyu Kingdom and Satsuma were contained in a separate volume so that China would not know of the dual tribute relations of the Ryukyus.

The "Ryukyu Koku Yurai Ki"
(Record of the Origins of the Ryukyu Kingdom).
This set of 21 volumes is the oldest topographic description of the islands and was edited by government of the Ryukyu Kingdom in 1713. It contains the ceremonial events of the castles, old chronicles and the origin of each place, sacred Utaki and even includes the government official system of the royal castle. This is a very important document for understanding traditional Ryukyuan society.

The "Kyuyo"
This book is an official history which Tei-hei-tetsu was ordered to complete by the government in 1745. An original volume contained a record of the events that took place in each region of the Ryukyus. An attached volume contained a record of relations between Ryukyu and Satsuma. Another volume contained a collection of legends and old tales collected from various places in Ryukyus.

The "Ryukyu Karitsu"
A book of laws for the Ryukyus written with reference to the laws of Japan and China. This was written in Japanese in 1786. In 1831, a new series of was edited as additional laws were enacted. In 1860, the government had the articles of the laws that were promulgated, recited to give the common folk some understanding of the law and for the purpose of crime prevention.

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