Edoyuna Sanshin (Okinawan Samisen)
This Sanshin (Okinawan samisen) was named Edoyuna and was created by the craftsman Yunashiro. It's name literally means "Travel to Edo (Tokyo)" and it was used in the on the occasion of the obligatory visit to Edo in 1855 and is said to have presented to the Shimazu Clan as a tribute item during that processional. It was rediscovered before WWII by Kanjun Higashionna in Tokyo and was exhibited in the Okinawa Furusato Museum but went missing again during WWII. Higashionna found it again in 1954 in Hawaii and donated it to the museum. In 1956 it was designated as a Cultural Property by Okinawa Prefecture.
Okinawa Prefectural Museum Collection

Morishima Kejo Sanshin (Okinawan Samisen)
The type of Sanshin mostly found is known as the Makabi type and was owned and passed down in the Sho Royal family for generations. The most essential neck portion is made of Ryukyu Kokutan ebony. It is believed to have been made during the Ryukyu Kingdom era. After WWII, its whereabouts were unknown but in 1982 it was donated to the Okinawa Prefectural Museum. The "Kejo" part of the name given this piece means "Dawn Bell" for the sound of a temple bell rung in the morning. As the name indicates the quality of sound is comparable to clear echo of a bell. It is considered a masterpiece of Makabi type Sanshins.
In 1994 it was designated a Prefectural Cultural Property. .
Okinawa Prefectural Museum Collection