18~19th Centuries

Mother-of-pearl Inlay (raden)

Height 10.3cm Length 23.7cm Width 35.5cm

★Okinawa Prefecture Tangible Cultural Property
Desk, black-lacquered wood with Mother-of-pearl Inlay, design of peony scrolls.


 A black-lacquered desk with cabriole legs. A hakue and kirigane border line divides the centre of the desktop from a mother-of-pearl inlaid surround of peony scrolls. The peony flowers are of shell backed with gold leaf, and together with the leaf veins are hairline engraved. The same gold-backed shell is used to decorate the edges of the table with a lozenge diaper pattern. The underside of the desk is inscribed in gold with the words. "Made by Une Ryoho of Chuzan.' making this one of the few signed pieces of Ryukyuan lacquerware. Another piece with the identical inscription, a quiver in black lacquer with mother-of-pearl inlay, design of family crest, grapes and squirrels, is in the possession of the Tokyo National Museum.
