flow7.htmlTEXTLMAN6 イエs゙エ驃P The Fourth Period

Shift from PostT-Modernism to Multi Culturism
1990's-To Asia


The 1990's have seen Okinawan culture speaking out its uniqueness to the world. One sees Okinawa had been "Nanto(southern islands)" to be narrated by others before, but now it is seeking a possibility to narrate itself.
In the art scene, artistic exchanging with Amami, Cheju Island in Korea,and Taiwan become active recently. Contrary to the old generation struggled with modernism, a new generation seemed to have the ability to easily throw it away. Although the old generation sticked or resisted to the given image of "Nanto" or "South" since Taisho Era, the younger generation seemed to expand their perspective from Okinawan locality to Asian locality.


